The Shadow and Night — Best Amazon Ranking

Did you know that at one time each of Chris Walley’s books received an Amazon ranking in the range of 12,000 to 30,000? This information comes from, and this shows how well these books sold at, what I would assume to be, their introduction.

Very few books can maintain a rank like that, and since The Shadow And Night is a re-packaging of two 2004 books, that is quite a testament to the quality of the writing that it did, in fact, fly off the shelves.

To learn more about Chris Walley and his books, take a look at his website, and his blog.

What is all this about re-packaging? One of the confusing things that his website straightened out for me was the publishing history of the books. In short, The Shadow and Night was originally two books released in paperback for the youth market. When the third book came out, Tyndale realized that they were being read by many adults, and switched to hardback. As part of this, they re-released the first two books as one volume, and this became The Shadow and Night.

The Shadow And Night  The Dark Foundations  The Infinite Day

The second book is called The Dark Foundations, and the third book, The Infinite Day, will be released this coming June (2008).

If you want to read a good review by someone who read the book, take a look at John Ottinger’s blog!

4 thoughts on “The Shadow and Night — Best Amazon Ranking

  1. Well, I’m pleased to see that the publisher kept the theme up with the book covers, even though they aren’t my favorite.

    I was confused as well, regarding the publishing sequence, as others had mentioned that they had only gone through 100 pages of the 300. I was thinking that they must have a badly printed book because mine was 600 pages long! :)

  2. I like the cover art except for the gray top. In my opinion they should have made the graphic cover the entire book cover, and fit the text in on top of that, probably in white to get a proper contrast.

    Glad I was able to clarify the publishing history!

    Thanks for stopping by!

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