7 thoughts on “Read a sample Of MERLIN’S BLADE

  1. Harrison, thanks for the encouraging words!

    If you can think of any part that needs improvement, let me know. I would appreciate any critical feedback, because this chapter is the first thing an agent or acquisitions editor will see, so I need to make it shine!

    Here are some ideas of things to look for:

    (a) Did any part not ring true? Was anything unbelievable?
    (b) Was any phrasing awkward or were there any grammar/spelling problems?
    (c) Was anything confusing?
    (d) Did you ever have to back up and re-read something to understand it?
    (e) Were any parts boring or unnecessary?
    (f) Did anything make you think about the words on the page rather than the story?
    (g) Did the people’s actions fit their character?
    (h) Was anything missing?
    (i) Was there enough suspense to keep you reading?

    Thanks again!

  2. I know I’m late in responding to this, but I’ve only found the site recently. This is going to be a good book.

  3. Reagan,

    Thanks for taking the time to read my first chapter! And no, you’re not late at all, since I still have a very long road to publication.

    I am hoping to have an excellent “new” version of this chapter up before the week is out, and also allow people who sign up for my “book announcement” email list to read the next chapter.

    Anyway, glad you enjoyed it!


  4. Thanks, Reagan, for your vote of confidence! Besides the voice of the bard at the beginning, there were numerous subtle changes throughout, and I appreciate your taking the time to go through it again.

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