Why I Am Writing About King Arthur

The BBC just put up a news item about a King Arthur book, written by Philip Reeve, which won the UK’s oldest book award for his novel “Here Lies Arthur”.
He beat six others to win. The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) award is in its 71st year.
According to the article:
The legendary figure of King Arthur is presented in Reeve’s tale as a war-mongering, self-interested “thug”.
The book [has] also been described as a political satire and an expose of the ancient art of spin-doctoring.
The author puts it this way:
“It’s a slightly irreverent take which presents Arthur as a not very important minor warlord – or gangster – in about 500AD.”
And this is why I am writing about King Arthur—to provide a counter thrust to the post-modern trend of deflating and destroying everything that holds up an ideal. Of making everything spin and fakery. The post-modern goal is to knock the wind out of belief, faith, hope, and love.
This is a spiritual battle.
I like your attitude, Robert. Keep up the good work.
I think the King Arthur legends are amazing because at their core is HOPE. Hope that God is actively involved in the world against spiritual darkness, which can overtake any land.
Thanks for your support, Dan!