Today we have officially unleashed our long-awaited, much-hyped, ever-so-incredible book trailer for Jill Williamson’s TO DARKNESS FLED, published by Enclave Publishing. This is book 2 in THE BLOOD OF KINGS trilogy.

Leighton read this book out loud to our family while we were on vacation in July, and I must say, it is excellent!

I played the part of Sir Gavin Lukos , an old knight with a braided beard, rusty chainmail, and even rustier sword. The funny thing is that even though he is on the side of good, he comes across in the trailer as almost a bad guy. I think that is part of increasing the suspense by hiding from the viewer what is really going on in the book.

  • Jacob R. Parker plays the false prince, Esek Nathak.
  • Christian Miles plays Achan Cham, otherwise known as Prince Gidon Hadar
  • My daughter, Adele, plays Vrell Sparrow, otherwise known as Lady Avarella
  • My daughter, Ness, plays the part of a stray servant to Esek.
  • My son, Leighton, plays the mysterious and scary Hadad.
  • My daughter’s fiddle teacher, Julianna Ziegler, plays Grenn Fenny.
  • Stephen Myers plays the evil Sir Kenton, one of Esek’s many warriors.

Anyway, you may view the trailer here :

The software packages we used to create the trailer are as follows:

Enjoy!… :yes:
