Merlin’s Blade Update — Big News!
No, I don’t have a publishing contract yet, but I do want to announce that I now have two, yes TWO, publishers looking at Merlin’s Blade.
The first publisher (who has had my proposal for awhile) is taking it to committee to consider if they want to look at the whole manuscript.
Probably one of the major things they’ll talk about is my proposal’s marketing plan, which I think is pretty comprehensive.
The second publisher (Woo-Hoo!) had my proposal for ONLY ONE DAY and said they were delighted and wanted to see the whole manuscript.
So, Merlin Spiral fans, we have some highly exciting, and patience testing, months ahead!
Also … I have received three new endorsements of Merlin’s Blade … more news on that coming up soon!
Oh my word!!!! This is SO AMAZING!!! I’m so happy for you Robert! Wow… I mean, WOW! I’ve started to read what you sent me, but I’ve been swamped with school work and haven’t even had time to work on my manuscript, but let me tell you, it’s been at the very top of my list since I received it. I absolutely CAN’T WAIT to see it in print! My best wishes to you, and God Bless! This is such amazing news! *swoons with excitement*
Thanks, Nichole! Very encouraging!
Wow, that’s incredible! Congratulations Mr. Treskillard! I hope they decide to publish it–and really, how could they pass up a great book like that?
Looking forward to (hopefully) seeing it in print!
D. S. Dahnim
I hope so, too, D.S., but it may be a long wait.
Publishers take a long time to make these decisions because they invest a lot of money into each book they produce, and they have to sell enough to make that money back, and beyond that, hopefully a profit.