BIG NEWS! Someone Has Won Excalibur!!!
It has FINALLY come to pass … someone has WON THEIR VERY OWN EXCALIBUR with the hilt and pommel hand-made by the author!
The official results for both CONTEST #3 and the GRAND PRIZE CONTEST are given below.
1st place
Breanna, with 14,400 points!
This wins either a Kindle Fire HD 7″, a sewing machine, or a dremel tool kit.
2nd place
Brittany, with 7,200 points!
This wins an iPod Shuffle!
Rebekah Gyger, Deborah O’Carroll, Ben Dillon, Stephanie Tullis, and Jennette Mbewe
Note: Rebekah would have won 2nd place with 12,200 points, but she had won 2nd place in Contest #2, and so was disbarred from winning the same prize in Contest #3.
THE GRAND PRIZE !!!!!!!!!!
1ST Place
BREANNA!! With 36,600 points over 3 contests!
This wins her very own EXCALIBUR with the hilt and pommel hand-made by the author !!
2nd place
Rebekah Gyger! With 34,400 points.
Now Rebekah has worked very hard in the contests, and she came VERY close to winning Excalibur. As a thanks to her I am going to give a not previously announced prize of her very own Kindle Fire HD 7″ !!
And thank you one and all who were part of the contests!
With much appreciation,
p.s. And plans are already in the works for a NEW SET OF CONTESTS for the upcoming PENDRAGON SPIRAL!
Thanks so much! A kindle is a great consolation prize.
And congrats Breanna!
Congratulations to Breanna, Brittany, and Rebekah!!!
This contest was so much fun, Robert – thanks.
And ooh, a new contest sometime! Sounds awesome!
Yay! Congratulations, everybody!