Category: Christian SF & Fantasy Blog Tour (page 4)
DragonLight Review – Day 1 of 3
The Begotten — Plot & Premise Review
The Begotten — CSFF Blog Tour
Who Is Andrew Peterson? (Author of “On The Edge Of The Dark Sea Of Darkness”)
What an audacious title for this post! As if I could sum up a person and put them in a box so you could look at them!
And why would I want to even attempt this? Having not read his book (which appears to be excellent from every account I have read on this CSFF blog tour), I honestly don’t have much more to talk about! However, once I started looking into his life and music, I was intrigued.

So … who is this author? I started my quest by going to his website at and here are a few facts that I have picked up:
- He appears to be about 33 years old.
- He is a storyteller extraordinaire—both spoken, written, and sung
- He lives in Nashville, TN
- His first album came out in 1996, and he has put out eight more since then.
- He is married, and has children (whom they homeschool)
If you want to get a sample of his music, I would suggest listening to his song All The Way Home on his Carried Along CD. If that wets your ears, you can go to his music page where he has lots more available, including lyrics.
The interesting thing is that after hearing his music, for me, I instantly compared him to Rich Mullins. After Rich died in 1997 I pretty much dropped out of the Contemporary Christian Music listening scene. I felt his death and the loss of his creativity so strongly that I was keenly aware and saddened anew at the 10th anniversary of his death last year. How can it have been ten years?
On The Edge Of The Dark Sea Of Darkness
The Shadow and Night — Best Amazon Ranking
CSFF Blog Tour Kickoff – The Shadow and Night
New CSFF Blog Tour Banners
Auralia’s Colors – Of Villains & Beastmen
There’s been multiple people who have commented on my “lack of a villain” ideas I floated around yesterday. Here are a few.
Marcus: How interesting that you wanted a literal villain to focus on.
Tim: I hadn’t really thought about the lack of a true villain in Auralia’s Colors. The Queen could be seen as a villain. She turned Abascar’s focus inward, and away from The Keeper. As the Wintering continued, these traits deepened; becoming a part of successive generations like the young girl with the kitten.
Rachelle: I hadn’t noticed the lack of a villain.
So why did it strike me as so odd? I’ve been analyzing and re-analyzing to figure this out, and I think I have a conclusion, at least for me, as to why I felt the lack of a villain.
(NOTICE: PLOT SPOILER BELOW, so only click if you have read the book!)
Auralia’s Colors – A Full Review
I have finished reading Auralia’s Colors, and I must say, I am impressed.

So, click the “Read More” button below, and read my full review of the book, including the following sections:
- Basic Plot
- The Author
- Who Will Like This Book
- World Building
- One Annoying Thing
- Christian Content
- The Bad Guy?
- Science Fiction?
- Powerful High Point
- Overall Opinion
CSFF Blog Tour Kickoff
New Stephen Lawhead Interview
Scarlet By Stephen Lawhead — Part 2
Part 2 of the Christian Science Fiction & Fantasy Blog Tour finds me holding Scarlet in my hands. Now this book is the 2nd book of the King Raven Trilogy, written by the distinguished and revered author, Stephen Lawhead.

Unfortunately for me, I have not had time to read this book to review it properly. Seeing as our well-pipe has developed a large hole just before Thanksgiving (ever tried hosting Thanksgiving without running water?) my time has been cut short lately and I wasn’t able to get to it in time.
My daughter, however, is reading it and I expect it to be finished in record time. So maybe I’ll get some sort of review in tomorrow. She is a far faster reader than I, who ponderously plods through books, savoring each word and doing a million other things in between sessions.
Until then I can at least tell you what I know about the two books.